"Who will be the new guest king?"
Minimum number of participants: 10 people.
The above prices apply when you arrive by your own bus or car.
bookable all year round
The day tour begins with a carriage ride through the Lüneburg Heath nature reserve. The journey takes you through extensive heather areas with white birch and juniper trees.
Duration approx. 1 hour
Afterwards, you and your group will return to the Heidehotel Bockelmann for lunch. The menu includes Heidschnuck specialties.
Duration approx. 1 hour
After you are strengthened by the good lunch, we will determine the new guest king from Bispingen at the Königsschießen. Now at the latest we will find out who drank the right target water at lunch.
Duration approx. 1-2 hours
The coffee table is set when the king has been determined. Over coffee and tea and a piece of buckwheat cake, the proclamation of the new Bispinger guest king takes place. The new king receives an order of kings and a throne package from Berentzen. With that the first round of the new majesty is secured. All kings are invited to the great Kaiserschießen every two years.
Duration approx. 1.5 hours